Saturday, August 4, 2007

7 Ways to Rediscover Your True Passion after Divorce

The best course of action to take sometimes isn't clear until you've listed and considered your alternatives. The following paragraphs should help clue you in to what the experts think is significant.

7 Ways to Rediscover Your True Passion after Divorce

Going through a divorce is a very challenging time in a person's life. It is hard to adapt to being single again, as well as living " exterior of the habit " of being married, especially if you have been married for many, many years.

Eventually, you begin to think about dating, but it is suggested that you take your time. Use this great opportunity to rediscover yourself. Think of this time in your life as an conjuncture to explore the real
you. If you have worked outside the home combined with being a mom and wife for the last ten, fifteen or twenty years, you may have lost yourself along the way. Certainly not on scheme, but as most women try to do it all as " super " moms, many times we put our own wants and needs on hold to keep our families and jobs running smoothly!

Take a deep breath and let's start to rediscover our true passions and say... Will the Real Me Please Stand Up!

1 ) Treasure Your Gifts Within Cerebration we are all born as " gold nuggets " is a hard concept for many women to believe about themselves. Think about how magnificent you really are! Over time, you might have forgotten your unique gifts and are only thinking of what you don't like about yourself or your life. Set a new intention, starting today, to list all of your extreme qualities and read that list everyday. Keep recital it until you believe it. Examples: beautiful smile, kindness, generosity, liking, utilitarian, intelligent. keep going. Your list is endless, when you start focusing on your great qualities. Allow yourself to see the shining gold within. It's already there!

2 ) Give Yourself A Break During and after a divorce it is common to have the feeling of grieving, similar to that of the loss of someone. Many women fondle the need to stay busy to keep their minds off of this stressful time, such as working overtime or cleaning the house from top to goose egg, but let this time also include pampering yourself. For example, barter with a friend or neighbor to watch your children or leave work early to let have yourself this needed time. Yes, you do deserve to do something special for yourself. It can be as simple as taking a
bath or a walk, going to the mall or reading a book with your favorite cup of tea. Give yourself permission - it's O. K. Remember, the happier you are, the happier your family will be!

3 ) No regrets! No bitterness! Holding onto regrets and bitterness will only keep your life from moving forward. Is your inner voice working overtime with all the " what ifs " and " if onlys "? This is normal for a period of time, but ask yourself. are these thoughts serving me or helping me feel better? Will thinking about them over and over
again change anything? To move your life forward, it is serious to acknowledge your feelings and to learn from your past experiences to prepare yourself for the next exciting chapter of your life. Yes, there is life after divorce. Learn to let it go! Just, let it go! A quote
from Buddy Hackett, " I never hold a grudge because while I am owing to angry, the other person is out dancing. "

4 ) Enjoy the Little Things life after divorce usually means more responsibilities. If you are a single parent or are now the one responsible for the once shared to - do inventory, how do you handle it exhaustive without being totally stressed out? To start, learn to laugh more, especially at yourself. Learn to let things go and not take life so seriously. Lighten - up! Learn to live in the present moment. Living in the present is site all the " good stuff " in life happens. Yesterday is gone forever and tomorrow's worries are tomorrow. Think of it this way, when one is missing this moment in time, one is
missing peripheral on one's life.

So how do we living in the present? If you are feeling taut, immediately leave your thoughts in your head and take off your blinders. ( Blinders similar to what a horse would unpersevering, not allowing it to see from side to side ). Start to look around you. I mean really look around you. Look closely at everything. Really focus. Use all your senses! For example, if you are with your children observe them. Cherish their
smiles. Give them a hug. See the true beauty of who they are and appreciate them for being a part of your life. You will takeoff to stroke your stress subside and a feeling of peace sweep over you. To be present, no matter
where you are, use all your senses to pull you back into the moment. Take time to appreciate all the beauty that topical exists around you. You only have to be present to see it!

5 ) What Makes Your heart Sing? What really matters to you? What do you feel is your true purpose in life? If someone asked you that question, how would you affirm them?

Why is it so important to be clear on what your life's purpose is? Knowing your purpose, will give you a true sense of who you are and why you were put on this earth. It gives your life direction and helps you make clear and easy decisions concerning that direction. It's your compass! Without a purpose, can your life be compared to a piece of driftwood? Floating endlessly in whichever direction the tide decides to take it and ending up on any beach with no will of its' own. When you animate your life based on your purpose you are living in integrity with yourself and are in alignment of who you really are in all aspects of your life - body, mind and vim. Proceeds this time to focus on what really matters to you. Feel the true passions that exist in your heart and write them godforsaken.

6 ) What Are Your Vibes Saying About You? Are you familiar with the Law of attraction ? Maybe you have heard the expressions, " What you think about, you bring about " or " The more attention you give to grave, the more attention it will give to you. " When going through a divorce, your emotions can be compared to a roller coaster ride. Use this time
to become reconnected to your inner awareness of who you are. Recognize if your feelings are low energy or high energy.

A few examples of low energy are stress, negativity, fear, resentment, or a sense of lack ( lack of time or money ) and high response is joy, abundance, happy, positive, love or compassion. If you are having feelings of dispirited energy, how do you make a shift to feel expanded of the steep energy?

First, acknowledge and accept the feelings you are having. Be gentle with yourself! Your goal is to make a shift, but realize you might not be able to go from unhappy to high instantly. Start with baby steps! Repeat step number three and turn out present! Be thankful for what is working in your life right now. Do something simple agnate pat your pet, smell a flower or, if you are in the office, take a meager to think of a previous fun time or experience you have had that could bring a tehee to your face. Feel the grow into you are starting to make in your energy.

Now, to amp increase this high - energy excitement, think of another time of joy or something you were passionate about in your life. Keep adding these thoughts to your high - energy feeling and begin to feel great! Does it seem the people or situations around you have changed or is
it you who has really changed? So, who has the power to feel their own joy? When you are consciousness your uplifted energy, this is the time to take your next inspired action. Enjoy the feeling of accomplishing something with ease and less effort!

7 ) Be True To Yourself During and even after a divorce, we are often filled with doubts. We question ourselves about what is right, what to do or how we feel. Should I or shouldn't I? It seems difficult to make a decision. Listen to your heart . What feels right? What doesn't feel quite right? If a situation does not observe right, honor your resistance by pausing or waiting. Sometimes waiting is the best thing to
do. By waiting you may have allowed the situation to unfold more easily without having to worry!

How can you put a limit on learning more? The next section may contain that one little bit of wisdom that changes everything.

If a decision feels good or right, usually that means you are heading in the right direction. When we listen to our hearts, we are in integrity with ourselves. When we are in integrity with ourselves, we learn to say NO more easily.

Has this ever happened to you? You are asked to be on a committee or to volunteer for something and you say yes, even though you know it will make your schedule even tighter or you really don't want to or have to?

How do you stop this from happening? Next time you are in this situation and you are ready to say yes, yet, find yourself having doubts, try this . STOP! Take a breath or even take a step convey ( this action will prevent you from saying yes ). Pause! Thank the person for thinking of you, but contract them know you will have to check your calendar and get back to them. When you do have time to think about it, focus on how you are feeling. Are you excited to volunteer or do you feel some resistance? If in a day or two you are standstill feeling doubtful, visualize the timing might not be right for you. If you are still weird, join the committee and have fun!

Divorce is not easy or fun, but you can make it through this time of your life by realizing you WILL make it! Also, exaltation yourself and listen to your heart! Your true purpose and passions are waiting to be rediscovered within you! When you have discovered the " gold nugget
" you already are, you will countdown to live your life with more expedite and enjoy the feeling of peace. " You are truly chargeless! "

Joanie Winberg, Certified business/ life Lecture, Certified Laughter Prepare and Professional speaker, founder of success and life coaching. Joanie specializes in working with groups of women after divorce and after 50 + years. She conducts women's group programs nationwide called " How To Guffaw Your Way Through A Divorce and Feel More At Peace " and " How To Laugh Your Way Through The 50 + Years And Feel Younger. " Joanie is also the co - founder of Seven Strategies for
success University, a licensed program providing coaches a complete step - by - stratagem system to use with their clients. She also conducts " How To Have It All Without Doing It All " workshops throughout the Northeast for sales professionals and business owners.

Joanie comes from a retail action. She owned and operated a True Value hardware store for eighteen years. Nymph has been a trustee of a regional bank for sixteen oldness and a member of the Board of Directors for four consecutive terms. For the last five years, she has been a marketing consultant and a Certified Coach assisting business owners and sales
professionals to achieve higher levels of business ssuccess and to gain new direction. For additional information contact Joanie Winberg at 508 - 947 - 2750 or .